Friday, October 5, 2018

Road Trip 2018!

Want to live with your grandparents forever? That is the environment we are creating by keeping people in the Senate beyond their expiration date. I'm not dissing the elderly (I am quite fond of many of them and becoming one too) but there comes a time when we the people (that includes everyone of voting age) have to take action. Instead of going to grandmas' year after year after year. Let the folk who have been stuck in the 40's and 50's return to their memories of their "glory days" in the comfort of their own home. They can enjoy old reruns or have some playtime with the littles in the family without us trying to coax them into the present day way of life which is clearly outside their purview. They have done enough. Seriously. What if you cook the dinner? Have it at your house (your rules, your TV, your menu or you call for a pot luck). We know what happens at grandmas'. Grandma does a lot. Maybe it's time for a change. Some of the old geezers are way to comfortable in their power. Let's take the keys and drive them out of office.

Watch Sen Orrin Hatch  OMG This old white man . . . completely out of touch!

He may be stuck in the 40's and doesn't know women are people too. Why do we vote for old geezers just because of the "shining R" by their name? Vote for a relatable, on your side candidate. Don't vote for a letter! This guy is clearly beyond his use by date. Give him a nice rest in the home, at home or anything but in the senate.

Life isn't fair but you can use your voice and your vote to step up and speak out. We need elected officials to do what is right for us as a society by working together. #CheckExpirationDate2018

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