Monday, September 23, 2013

Let's eat!

Baggage. Baggage makes people tick. It's why we dance, explore, break down or crack up, laugh when we are sad, cry happy tears, love, and leave. Even if you have a brother or sister you would likely have a similar childhood but different experiences depending on your baggage. Empathy and sympathy are good things to pack. That said, your truth is not necessarily a reality to others even among siblings. There is and should be a ying to your yang. If it is true the grass is greener on the other side, there must be brown grass also. Will your baggage compel you to snipe at the people with brown grass or will you lend a hand to work the soil, pull the weeds and mentor utilizing God's gifts in you? 

More and more people are having to live in brown grass. In places where the sun refuses to shine and every day is a rainy day for adults, the elderly and children alike. Not a hop with joy from rain puddle to rain puddle but more into each life a little rain must fall kind of rainy day and the water keeps rising. Many people working at Wal*Mart or in fast food are earning minimum wage and minimum wage is less than supportive of a single person not to mention trying to raise a family. Not sure why they can't earn enough to be self supportive. Some of them even have a second or third job! Probably why a lot of these lazy hard workers are recipients of government help. And here in the land of plenty we get plenty upset that poor people keep taking free stuff instead of pulling themselves up. You know free stuff like people walking right past them giving free looks of consternation. ER visits for primary health care,  rental assistance,  empty bellies, and a lot of people take food stamps! Can you believe it? Even the military and retired people take food stamps.  If they would just get a job and an education . . . 

Apparently one percent were cheating SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) so we must sacrifice a million hungry to discourage abuse. It's the principal of it really. Really nothing else we can do. 

Many deserving families will be loosing food stamps soon so leave a bigger tip or help someone when you can. I can't even begin to know what is in your past that makes it logical to punish the poor but continue the corporate welfare. Working people should not live in poverty and their kids should not go to school hungry or be afraid of being shot. Life can be hard so go easy on others. They're probably just malnourished and hungry and since we can't agree on background checks, be careful. It is possible they could have untreated mental illness or pent up anger from being left out in the rain and stigmatized. 

So who's ready to go eat? How about TexMex or Bar*B*Que?

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