Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Language Skills

 Say what?

Why do people feel the need to suck as people? How is belittling others anything but bullying? There are good and bad in all flavors of people so it isn't one color or race leading the pack. Mine, mine, mine is not something I expect to hear from adults but we have become tribal and closed minded and for what really. How does your native language disrespect mine? It doesn't. No matter what language is spoken. It doesn't. Those that get angry to hear another language are very insecure I believe. They have been listening to the BS that is so readily available and from so many different sources.
If not for the true Natives, the Navajo, WWII could have given all of us one German language and heritage and how would your life be today? The thing is we are almost all of us a part of each other. I am not one race I am a combination of many. For the believers we are all God's children. We shouldn't be our physical attributes but our diverse backgrounds and knowledge. We should be good humans who learn from one another and enjoy the food and other customs that are not our own without berating our fellow humans. Life is short. Let's enjoy the dance while we are here.

We can and should do and be better. H.U.G.S

Right Where We Are

 A murder of crows A bouquet of toes A gaggle of geese A mouth full of teeth A herd of cows An eye full of wows A star in the night A wish w...