Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Kids say the darndest things

I am not willing to sacrifice my husband, my only son, his wife, his son or daughter or my friends and family so you can have military, in effect, shoot to kill weapons. I want smaller magazines, no bump stocks and I want to be relatively sure if a member of my family is outside the home doing life, a bad actor does not mow them down because they have anger issues and or seeking revenge against another or any other reason. I want the laws to be nationwide so people on the edges of states can't hop over to another and get something their state has declared unlawful and then perhaps sell them out of their car without a background check. Fortunately I have not lost a family member or friend to gun violence. Ask the parents that have lost a child what they want. They have made the ultimate involuntary sacrifice. Who will be next if the powers that be remain frozen and do nothing.

Thoughts and prayers?

This should not be an all or nothing arrangement. Name a law that is followed 100%. One. If we don't have laws we are creating unnecessary chaos. Do you know about the teacher that fed a live puppy to a snapping turtle? Want him to have a gun - in the school? Veterans? We haven't given veterans what they need in a very long time. What are the chances something at the school will trigger a flashback or maybe undiagnosed PTSD. Suicide? Veterans have a higher rate of suicide. He or she should have a gun in school?

Texas has more than 1.2 million residents who are active holders of concealed handgun permits. No laws regulating long guns such as shotguns and rifles other than existing federal restrictions. Machine guns are allowed for possession in the state according to Texas gun laws, as long as they are registered on the federal level. Armor-piercing ammo is considered illegal to possess and sell.

So sad that the students have to take action because the grown ups  cower under their desks in the pockets of the NRA and political party. What better way to learn that elections have consequences. Among the crowd of students that walked out of class today, there is a future president. He or she is getting ground level education. Students do not need to know everything to be politically active. Sometimes you just have to get out there and learn from each other. I support all students participating in #NationalWalkoutDay and #MarchForOurLives

  • Love your family? 
    • Invest in our future
      • Save a kid
        • Save yourself

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