Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas To You

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse;
We watched a movie and had a good snack,
Then straight to bed, he with two dogs on his back

We twisted and turned just to get into our bed
You can take Sid, no get Izzy instead
I tossed as he turned ~ the dogs did the same
"Shh, quiet!" as we called each dog by name

We tugged and pulled on the covers all night,
Hoping to see they would cover us right
As we watched TV, the light would  flicker,
Now and then one of us would snicker

More tossing and turning all thru the night,
Till we found a hand to hold, in the absence of light
We squeezed and patted, the hands as we dreamed
Knowing that Santa would see our hearts beam

2017 has been so strange and so hard
We are both mainly scratched, not too many scars
2018 will bring its own problems too
But for now we will wish
                Merry Christmas to you ~

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Just Another Fibromyalgia Day

Aches and pains
Energy drained
Time to walk the dogs

Another block
No time to stop
Almost time to eat

Take a pill
Against my will
Take some time to blog

Eat some food
Very well chewed
Go to bed I'm beat

Morning comes
Again begun
Coffee please for me

Feeling down
Not blue but brown
Wish to be pain free

Aches and pains
Energy drained
Time to walk the dogs

Monday, November 6, 2017

God Bless Texas ~ Thoughts and Prayers

Broken hearts are hard to mend
For doctors, family or even a friend
So much anger, too much hate
Too many people with too much on their plate

Heartaches happen every day
A bad actor comes to steal lives away
At a school a movie concert or church
No time to address all the hurt

Thoughts and prayers have all been given
Multiple times from us the still living
It's true we can't stop every one
Let's regulate bullets if not the gun

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Sleep Without Dreams

My son wrote: "You can’t buy happiness, but you can rent it". Then another friend said, "Can't the same be said about love? Someone should write a song about that".

And this happened:

You can't buy happiness, but you can rent it
You can't buy love but you can spend it
And all the king's horses and all of the kings 
Know that to keep her it'll cost you a ring

You can't find what you're not looking for
Climb out the window instead of the door
And all the Queens on horses and all of the kings
Stumble and fumble, sleep without dreams

Friday, October 13, 2017

Dr. Goose


Late yesterday I climbed a wall     
The wall that stood 100 foot tall   
With all that climbing I had done         
Expecting to have finally won
I pulled and tugged then hurried down 
Lost my footing and fell on a frown 
I bounced back up to look at myself 
And found me hiding beneath a shelf


From 11/28/2000

Monday, October 2, 2017

Bad Day

Life is filled with ups and downs
Smiles turned up, smiles turned down
And still the world doesn't stop
Turning, burning, wobbling flop

An age ago I was not here
Nor were you but in the mirror
This day had come and gone before
And sayeth the heart, nevermore

The thought of you an action for me 
A bleeding heart left to its scream
Tears streaming down my face
Another human running in place

Pitter patter more thoughts scattered
Mumble, jumble words get tattered
Love lost blowing in the breeze
All the joy caught up in the trees


And when is the best time to even discuss the ability for mass murders to occur without even one regulatory hurdle? It is certainly not the day of I hear. Ought not politicize such an event with any words beyond "thoughts and prayers". And certainly we cannot have a discussion for the first week after. Families need time to bury their loved ones. And not the week after that. So many loose ends to finalize and plans to make for the children and pets left behind. By the third week the next crisis takes over the news cycle and as all good Americans do, we move on with our lives and forget to remind our representatives that we are requiring action. Now is not the time for thoughts and prayers. Now is the time for action to minimize the need for so many thoughts and prayers.

Can one person make a difference? Today one did.

Can you make a difference? Yes you can. Use your voice, use your vote. Stand up. Speak out. Be bold. Be kind. Let your relatives, friends and neighbors enjoy another moment of life. I don't want to play politics. I want to stand with others or alone and make a difference.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Another Goodbye

There's a poem in his pocket that he will never see
As I watch here from the outside, trying to believe
He chose to rise to heaven, leaving me behind
He left without much warning, heavy on my mind

Now that Mother's joined him in the home up above
Again I feel the loss, one less kiss, one less hug
Uncle Sonny and Mother should have much to talk about
With the poem in his pocket and her sunflower there's no doubt

She could read him the poem written many years ago
And he could scatter seeds, ease my sense of woe
Though we knew time was passing, often weaker each new day
We thought the possibilities must still be months away

Gathered around her bedside she pleaded "Take me home"
And with a single prayer her wishes were made known
Lord let me leave them
as gently as I can
and give them the courage
strength to understand

Friday, February 3, 2017

Just As I Am

I 💗 America!
Being in a melting pot with so many rich and diverse cultures. I can't imagine living in a country where each person is expected to dress the same, enjoy the same foods, be the same as their neighbor. That just seems so unnatural to be relegated to be just like those around me or in my circle. How would we learn new things? We must forget how much we share and learn from one another. If not for learning, most of us would be where we came from originally or elsewhere. The Native Americans saved us as we immigrated. They taught us how and what to grow, fertilize and when to harvest. How to smoke meat, to navigate and acclimate to the indigenous surroundings. Which plants to eat, what plants would heal and which are toxic. How to tan hides and on and on "Pilgrim". Ever had a cup of coffee or chocolate anything? Came from somewhere right? Most all of us came from somewhere and brought pieces of our traditions with us. Maybe some traditions were started once our families settled in this once new land.

  ðŸ—º 🚢

Land of the free and home of the brave. So many have fought for our right to be bound ONLY by our constitution and form of government. Collectively, one by one let's make a determined decision to join the brave and encourage the us in our day to day encounters to be who we are where we are and to explore the world beyond our comfort level. There's a song we sang often in church when I was a very young child. "Just As I Am". Just as I am is how we originally came here. Let's interrupt those speaking to only divide others from the fold. We are us and we are them. Engage in a conversation with someone who is the least like you. You will likely discover some wonderful things. Maybe a new art form or a fabulous recipe.

H. U. G. S. 
(Humans Utilizing Gifts Successfully) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Friend Is A Friend (7/15/99)

Being a friend is not a spectator sport
It's laughing and crying, mutual support
It's the ups and the downs, it's shadows and light
It's the person you know that will hold on tight
A friend is a friend and ever will be
A friend is a friend a reflection of me

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Sweet Dreams

The lightning streaks down
I don my gown
Then jump under the covers

Through wind and the rain
Calmness regains
As I drift sleep discovers

Sweet dreams of slumber
Rain and thunder
Shaggy dog running to me

Golden butterfly
I don't know why
Both scurrying up a tree

They laugh and they play
Loving their day
Singing and dancing away

Dog and butterfly
Both are thigh high
Twirling as in a ballet

The night it does come
Playtime is done
A kiss and a hug goodnight

I breathe in and out
Tossing about
Wait for sweet dreams to ignite

Monday, January 9, 2017

Jane (My therapist in 198?)

You've watched me go thru ups and downs
But now I'll grow in leaps and bounds
You've made sense of the thoughts in my head
And it's safe with you, the things I've said
You've held my hand wiped tears from my eyes
You've watched me breathe in heavy sighs
You've told me things I never knew
And I feel better because of you

Therapy (from 198?)

I don't think I'm ready for what lies ahead
All those thoughts are spinning around in my head
She's suppose to help me, but I don't know how
Yet I hope it works so I can live in now
I hope it won't hurt me, telling her out loud
I pray she won't lose me somewhere in the crowd
I wish it was over, the things I'll need to say
Then happy after after could begin today

Sunday, January 1, 2017


Might have discovered a cure for my morning headaches! Last night Mark and I had to drink last year's bottle of bubbles rather quickly because we had welcomed 2016 from Oklahoma and we never got around to opening it. Then as is tradition we enjoyed a 2017 welcome bottle starting at midnight and had emptied the bottle and rinsed it out before going to bed.

This morning, no headache so, I told Mark we will need to start a two bottles before bed regimen because. . . No headache!!!

Seriously though, everyone please enjoy your black eyed peas, greens or whatever is your way to celebrate the new year. While we all wish for a happy new year we also know some rain must fall. Some events will be expected and some families will have surprises. Not all events will be in line with our prayers or wishes for ourselves or even strangers that we hear or read about.

There will be hard choices, loud voices, gains and losses, new jobs and bosses. Deaths and births, new chapters and verse. Please take every opportunity and do more than just wish everyone a happy new year. Be a kindness and blessing to others. A safe place for those caught in a storm. Help those around you when you are able and ask for help when you need it. Life is hard. Love is kind. Don't be the unopened bottle that is quickly consumed at the last possible moment.


Right Where We Are

 A murder of crows A bouquet of toes A gaggle of geese A mouth full of teeth A herd of cows An eye full of wows A star in the night A wish w...