Monday, June 27, 2016

Abortion ~ A leap of faith ~ Words matter

It is likely you have seen this photo that claims to be that of a 12 week fetus."However, this image isn't a photograph of a real fetus. It's a picture of a hand-painted resin doll crafted by artist Donna Lee and sold through the One Tiny Life organization for the stated purpose of using them in schools and pregnancy centers to educate prospective mothers:" 

Pro choice allows the woman the right to choose what is best for her, her partner, and her family

Legal safe abortion. Why would anything less be acceptable to you?

This is a controversial topic because there are so many (many well meaning) people who have been lead to believe THEIR faith elevates them to a superior spiritual authority to dictate over any and everyone in the matter of pregnancy. The only conclusion for them based on their faith of choice is a pregnancy leading to childbirth. So regardless of the faith or lack thereof of the living breathing person who should ultimately be the best to decide what is or is not best for them and their circumstance, the people who believe any abortion is murder would remain steadfast in their belief under any circumstance or with very little latitude. Most would be fine to have a young girl who had been impregnated by a father, step-father, brother, other family member, friend or stranger against her will to be further traumatized by continuing the pregnancy to term. Imagine that child having to bear a child. Maybe consider the mother who finds that HER pregnancy is complicated by known genetic birth defects. She would also be denied the option to terminate the pregnancy. Imagine the anguish of that mother and her family waiting for weeks or months only to have a still birth after laboring possibly for days. The rape victim that can barely care for them self or has mental deficiencies that make them unable to comprehend pregnancy at all much less become a parent.  

With the ruling today I am seeing some who are clearly blinded by what they believe is misguided joy of the ruling because they have no true understanding of pro choice. And in this instance the final two sentences makes their opinion final as well so they are consciously choosing to continue to have no understanding.

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This was posted on Facebook: 

"I try to stay away from politics on FB But today I just have to say how sad I am that I see people CHEERING on the news that they are now able to murder unborn babies more easily. It is a sad sad day. I am always amazed at what human beings will do to other human beings...the born and the unborn.

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So no more discussion. No open mind. No open heart. Without accepting anything further, there is also no room for discussion or compassion for the mother who has to make such a decision. Verdict has been rendered. They do not need or want any information that does not fit in their box where they have come to their conclusion on the matter of abortion.

Their conclusion is just that. Their conclusion. They can live with a grand daughter or daughter being raped and not having ALL of the choices that are legally available to her.

The statement of no conversation was their choice. Again their choice not to have any input from opposing views. See the irony in that? I too am amazed at what human beings will do to other human beings.

Pro choice does not. Repeat. Does not as stated above celebrate that woman are , "able to murder unborn babies more easily".  In fact the decision to terminate a pregnancy is so personal I do not understand how anyone not in the medical field has any business weighing in on such a personal decision.  Why they have the right to choose for any woman or why they are compelled to embrace and support the politicians that make faith based laws to reinforce their belief and impede a woman's right to choose is one of those hot button issues.

I am certain that politics led this person to that inconceivable conclusion. Politics should have no say or merit in family planning. Family planning should be done family by family in love with truth and support from medical doctors, specialist and any other resources necessary. Each and every woman should have a right to choose what is best for them in their circumstance. A woman should have the right to choose to carry to term or terminate a pregnancy in addition that same choice should fall to a spouse or other family member if the woman is incapacitated. 

Marlise Muñoz, a paramedic and mother of a toddler, collapsed Nov. 26 at her Haltom City home from a possible pulmonary embolism. Because she was 14 weeks pregnant, the hospital refused to remove her from life support, citing state law that protects the life of an unborn child despite a patient’s end-of-life wishes. 

I can appreciate the concern that a "baby" is being murdered because that is such a horrendous statement and elicits a powerful emotional response. Much like saying let's go club baby seals! In my observation, pro life tends to exaggerate what an abortion is, why it is done and how. The pro life version is that all of the restrictions are in place to ensure the health of the woman. I think we can truthfully say that is really just a ploy to make a legal, safe abortion less accessible. 

My faith and my compassion lean toward the living. The ones that have drawn a breath. How does your faith give you authority to make such a personal and often heartbreaking decision for strangers? Whatever your belief, if you must speak on this subject, please speak truthfully with kindness and love. Realize the impact of your religion on others who may not share your version of faith and may come from a circumstance you can't imagine. I was told my grandmother would douche with bleach after sex to prevent pregnancy. Before safe and legal abortions, woman have done unimaginable things to prevent pregnancy. And they made those choices knowing an abortion could cost them their life!. Why would anything less than a safe legal abortion be acceptable to you?

I have had spontaneous abortions but as we all know, we call it a miscarriage if it is not a scheduled event. Sometimes the body chooses to abort and sometimes the woman chooses based on her life circumstance.  Did you imagine that child having to bear a child. I could have been that child. Me. I really think that would have led to suicide. How much more damage would that have done to my relationship with the mother who failed to protect me? Sexual abuse is not a choice. Birth defects are not a choice. Please make an effort to be compassionate for the living. Love is kind.

The below is from

God (Yahweh) as the Source and Sustainer of Life. According to Genesis 2:7, "the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being." This "breath of life" does not distinguish human beings from other animals, nor perhaps even plant life, as can be seen in Genesis 1:29-30. When God declared his judgment against Noah's generation, all creation in which there was the "breath of life" would suffer the destruction of the flood ( Gen 6:17 ; Genesis 7:15 Genesis 7:21-23 ). The breath of life distinguishes the living from the dead, not human beings from animals ( Eccl 3:18-19 ). Consistently throughout Scripture God is portrayed as the giver of life, which distinguishes living organisms from
inanimate things ( Rom 4:17 ).

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