Tuesday, October 4, 2016

~ Our Daily Bread ~

To vote or not to vote should never be a question! If you are eligible and don't vote you are agreeing to be lead blindly into your immediate future which has the potential to adversely affect you and yours for years to come. Your vote is your voice. I have an issue with those that pick the letter by a candidate such as "R" or "D" and believe that they are somehow voting. If you vote a straight ticket, why? That is supporting a party not a candidate. You should vote for the candidate that best serves you and your family. We need political diversity not clones who promote a single vision and platform. Voting should be more of a buffet rather than the "blue" plate or "red" eye special. Just selecting bread you have a choice of wheat, white, rye, potato, yeast, buckwheat, cornbread, banana, biscuits, sourdough, soda, and so on. Maybe your family is gluten free. Would you purchase bread based on its brand or the contents?

I personally think Donald is a washed up TV star, carnival barker and snake oil salesman who has obviously mastered his craft especially with the uneducated. I have no idea how his adjectives plan to "make America great again". I thought putting people in office that would have the fortitude to hold 45 in check on all spectrum's was our best choice in the 2016 election cycle. Since his election he has put his wealth and greed ahead of all else including the FBI building (Story here). He has been campaigning since his 2nd day in office and golfing at his properties  bringing in thousands of dollars to pad his pockets even more. Republicans have to date not stepped up to call him out. As of June 16, 2019 he has been on the grounds of his golf courses or played golf elsewhere 198 times at a cost of who knows what. What we do know is the activity is also lining his pockets. He is very good at lining his pockets. Golf? Not so much. He cheats which is no real surprise.

Click here for Trump's Current Golf Count 
or why he is Nicknamed Pele

The new Trump International Hotel has seen many CEO's, lobbyists, and other interest groups wearing their company brand on their shirts
just hanging out in the lobby for hours if not all day. People with foreign interest reserving rooms for multiple nights. This is against the Emoluments Clause and is yet another investigation waiting to happen. Unfortunately the breaking of the Emoluments Clause has not had any consequence. The same is true for the Hatch Act.

Income from the hotel was $40 million in 2016 if he didn't cheat on his financial disclosure report. 
Even the demise of Khashoggi, the journalist that was murdered in Istanbul, Turkey; Trump seems to be covering for the Saudis. And beyond all of that I still think he has no idea what he should be doing even though he has been in the office too long! It was predictable that he wouldn't change (be Presidential) Because he constantly transforms (based on the immediate feedback at his rallies) it is not possible to know where he stands or if he will set sail on yet another uncharted course upon first gust. This disturbs me greatly. A vote for him was a mystery meal at best. No idea what you are ordering, or if it meets your nutritional needs. Will it cause any gastrointestinal consequences such as acid reflux, bloating, or rashes.

In this next election cycle let's vote for candidates that are best prepared to break bread and serve. Donald Trump? He has proven to have an empty core with no compass, emotion or belief of his own. He just follows whatever way the wind blows at the moment and pretends to be a leader by schmoozing the people he is with; no matter their belief. A chameleon for mostly whites and that one black supporter he pointed out at a rally by saying "Look at my African-American over here".

Hillary? Trump is still talking about her. She is not running and no, when she did she was not a perfect choice either but, she got more votes than Trump but lost the 2016 election. She has been studied, investigated, deposed, blamed and that cycle repeats and continues to this day. And even as she is microscopically scrutinized, she has continued to serve the public. She has a history of working for and with people. As additional candidates step up, take the time to listen. If you are hungry to get things done, maybe the buffet would be the best choice. 
Please study carefully and make your selection. Your table is being made ready. #Vote2020 

He has had two years to show us the health plan and we got nothing. He promised a wall that Mexico would pay for, also not going to happen. His administration has treated immigrant children so inhumanely it is horrific to me what the long term effects might be. The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind ~ and war with Iran is a possibility.

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